dbSNP information for cattle or chickens
Are you planning on adding dbSNP information for cattle or chickens?
Are you planning on adding dbSNP information for cattle or chickens?
GenomeBrowse 2.0 has been released! You can download the most recent installer from our website.
Included with the new version is that most recent annotation data sources from dbSNP for both Cattle and Chicken genomes. You can download the tracks or stream them from the cloud from the Add dialog on the Public Annotations location tab.
You can find full details in our new GenomeBrowse manual.
We have added you annotation request to our list. However, since releasing GenomeBrowse we have received quite a few requests for new annotations and are in the process of setting priorities for when they will be handled.
Questions should be tagged FeatureRequest for asking about a non-existing feature or proposing a new idea, GeneralInquiry for general questions about GenomeBrowse or directions on how to do something, or RanIntoProblem if you want to report an issue or had difficulty getting to an expected result.
Asked: 2012-10-01 11:36:11 -0600
Seen: 8,282 times
Last updated: Apr 21 '14