Viral Reference Genome
Can I load a viral reference genome (downloaded for NCBI)? Is there any way to include virus reference genomes? Can I add one or two viral genomes to the human chromosomes (for viral integration sites)?
Can I load a viral reference genome (downloaded for NCBI)? Is there any way to include virus reference genomes? Can I add one or two viral genomes to the human chromosomes (for viral integration sites)?
GenomeBrowse 2.0 has been released! You can download the most recent installer from our website.
With the new version we have added the ability to add custom genomes to GenomeBrowse, including viral reference genomes. You can find full details in our new GenomeBrowse manual.
Currently GenomeBrowse does not support any viral reference genomes. We are currently work on implementing a tool in that would allow the user to add genomes not currently available in the software. Those genomes could come from a variety of file types including FASTA, BED, GFF, UCSC Table Browser data,or VCF.
Please see our website at the following link for specific upcoming features. (
Questions should be tagged FeatureRequest for asking about a non-existing feature or proposing a new idea, GeneralInquiry for general questions about GenomeBrowse or directions on how to do something, or RanIntoProblem if you want to report an issue or had difficulty getting to an expected result.
Asked: 2012-09-27 14:43:49 -0600
Seen: 11,098 times
Last updated: Apr 21 '14