Eucalyptus grandis genome
My genome of interest (Eucalyptus grandis) is not in the list. So, how to add my reference genome (I have a fasta file and a gtf file) locally?
My genome of interest (Eucalyptus grandis) is not in the list. So, how to add my reference genome (I have a fasta file and a gtf file) locally?
Dear Saro,
I wanted to let you know that we have now made available within GenomeBrowse the Eucalyptus grandis genome. You can download both a reference sequence and a gene track for visualization by going to File > Add; then under the Annotations tab you can select these tracks either for download to your local machine or for direct streaming from the cloud.
We would appreciate any feedback you would be willing to give and please let us know if you have any further questions.
Thanks, Jami...
We are currently working on implementing a tool in GenomeBrowse that would allow the user to add genomes not currently available in the software. Those genomes could come from a variety of file types including FASTA, BED, GFF, UCSC Table Browser data, or VCF.
We are also in a continual process of adding new annotation tracks or various genomes that have been sequenced to GenomeBrowse. We have added Eucalyptus to our list and will notify you when it is completed.
Please see our website at the following link for upcoming features. ( )
Questions should be tagged FeatureRequest for asking about a non-existing feature or proposing a new idea, GeneralInquiry for general questions about GenomeBrowse or directions on how to do something, or RanIntoProblem if you want to report an issue or had difficulty getting to an expected result.
Asked: 2012-09-27 15:01:54 -0600
Seen: 3,709 times
Last updated: Dec 10 '12