bed12 support?
asked 2016-07-25 09:02:41 -0600
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
I knew the Golden Helix GenomeBrowser for a long time, but has been using igv for my research.
Few days ago I tried GenomeBrowser and found it carry so much more feature I liked. So immediately I decided to use it as my main replacement tool for iGV.
However, I found it does not support bed12 format, basically it parses it as bed3 format and shows only single block instead of multiple blocks.
I would highly appreciate if this feature would be considered adding to the next release, or if it was available let me know. I have been playing with the controls for a while and did not seem to find and parameters to turn bed12 on.
Thank you for the awesome tool.