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Thanks for the amazing level of support as always. I got it to work with your instructions but it has weird behavior. It will only work with the .tsf from the GenomeBrowse distribution, not with the .tsf I generated from the GRCh37g1k.fasta file from - I'll try to investigate the difference.

Also, from a technical point of view, its weird that the path parameter in --refFolder must be enclosed within "", while the source is not - I expected to do --refFolder G:\

Any way, it works now, so now I can precalculate coverages :)

Thank you so much, Michael

Thanks for the amazing level of support as always. I got it to work with your instructions but it has weird behavior. It will only work with the .tsf from the GenomeBrowse distribution, not with the .tsf I generated from the GRCh37g1k.fasta file from - I'll try to investigate the difference.

Also, I had to copy the file to /Data, because it was in /CommonData which is not searched by gautil by default.

Also, from a technical point of view, its weird that the path parameter in --refFolder must be enclosed within "", while the source is not - I expected to do --refFolder G:\

Any way, it works now, so now I can precalculate coverages :)

Thank you so much, Michael