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2020-09-02 07:09:43 -0600 asked a question How can the ID field be displayed in the genome browsers variants record?

I've annotated a VCF file with HGVS annotation and want to display this information in the genome browser. In the Variants record I can choose from different fields which should be displayed as the label besides the variant. This works well for the 'AC', 'AN', 'AF' fields. I've added the HGVS information to a new custom field in the VCF file but this field does not appear in the Variants record list within the GenomeBrowser as sadly only predefined columns are shown. Aditionally, I added the HGVS information to the ID and FILTER columns of the VCF file but when choosing the corresponding fields the GenomeBrowser just shows a '?'.

Any ideas on how I can display such an information in the variants record?